Tush Tags by HangTag Generations
The chart below lists all of the Attic hang and tush tag combinations discovered thus far. We are fairly certain that the tush tags were produced in this order: artist tush, 1992 black & white, 1993 black & white, 1993 red & white, 1993 burgundy, 2000 burgundy, 1993 red & white embroidered, 2000 red & white embroidered, 2001 red & white embroidered, and 2000 red & white embroidered with sewn edges. It is interesting to note that some of the tush tags, however, do not appear to have been used in any particular order. 1992 black & white tush tags, for example, have been discovered on mainly 1st, 2nd, and 3rd generation Attics, but have also been identified on some 4th and even a few 5th generation Attics. 1993 red & white tush tags, which appeared on several 4th gens and mainly 5th generation Attics, have also been found on a few 2nd gens. To date, a total of six different tush tags have been used during the 7th generation. For a look at the various versions within each tush tag click on the link.