

Smithsonian Nicholas


Cheryl P. sends us some interesting pictures on a Nicholas that purchased by her daughter a number of years ago at the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, D.C.  The hang tag gives an interesting short history of the Teddy bear.  Nicholas was introduced  in 1994 and retired in 1998.


Front and back of the hang tag. Inside of the hang tag.


From the Inside of Nicholas' Hang Tag

     The story of a President who saved a bear cub's life has a special place in American Folklore and inspired the creation of teddy bear plush toys.

     The teddy bear's story begins in November 1902 when President Theodore Roosevelt was hunting in Mississippi.  After an unsuccessful day, the hunting party brought a small bear cub to camp for the President to shoot.  He refused because the animal did not have a chance to defend itself.

     Clifford K. Berryman, cartoonist for the Washington Post at the time, sketched the incident and captured the public's imagination as well as that of American toymakers.  Soon the country was flooded with teddy bears.

     Teddy bears are as popular now as they were early in the century.





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