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  Baby Bons by Boca Bons


Carla from Iowa was kind enough to share her Baby Bon Bons collection with us and what a wonderful collection it is.  Boca Bons, Inc. is a candy specialist store located in Coral Springs, Florida and offers an assortment of decorated plush.  According to Carla,  each Attic Treasure is complete with original ribbons, boca bons tag, and a chocolate box.   Below are pictures of the eight pieces in Carla's collection.  For more information on Boca Baby Bons, their tags and how Attics were shown in their catalog click here.


Sara - with 1993 black and white Surface Washable tush tag with Peanut Parfait Boca Bons hang tag (pink Box)

Sara - with 1993 black and white Surface Washable tush tag with Cappuccino Almond Boca Bons hang tag ( longer Box)

Sara - with 1993 burgundy tush tag with Cappuccino Almond Boca Bons hang  tag (yellow box)

Dickens - with 1993 black and white Surface Washable tush tag with Triple
Chocolate Boca Bons hang tag

Checkers - with 1992 black and white Surface Washable tush tag with 
Triple Chocolate Boca Bons hang tag

Cody - with 1992 black and white Surface Washable tush tag with Triple
Chocolate Boca Bons hang tag  

Purrcy - with 1993 black and white Surface Washable tush tag with Cappuccino Almond Boca Bons hang tag.

Penelope - with 1993 red and white Surface Washable tush tag with  Peanut Parfait Boca Bons hang tag.  They each are complete with original ribbons, boca bons tag and a chocolate box.