Name Type Size Style # Color Introduced Status
Gordon Bear 13" 6110 Tan 1/1/99 Retired 10/21/99
Tags available:  7th   

Designer: Ty Warner


Seventh generation (1B)

Tush Version 2 1993 burgundy
Ribbon No
Clothes Yellow raincoat and hat
Buttons No
Nose Black (vertical stitching)
Eyes Black
Comments:  velour feet and paws, tag line reads "Into Each Life a Little Rain Must Fall!"



Seventh generation (1C)

Tush Version 2 1993 burgundy
Ribbon No
Clothes Yellow raincoat and hat
Buttons No
Nose Black (vertical stitching)
Eyes Black
Comments: Velour feet and paws, tag line reads "Into Each Life a Little Rain Must Fall!"


Seventh generation (1C)

Tush Canadian Version 3 black and white Version 2 1993 burgundy
Ribbon No
Clothes Yellow raincoat and hat
Buttons No
Nose Black (vertical stitching)
Eyes Black
Comments: Velour feet and paws, tag line reads "Into Each Life a Little Rain Must Fall!"


August 26, 1999

Ty Europe Ltd. has announced today, in a flyer, that that they are recalling Gordon, style number 6110.  The flyer states: "Recent testing has revealed some samples of 'Gordon' the jointed bear with rain coat and hat that do not meet the European Standards applicable to toys in one respect.  Although the Attic Treasure Collection is typically purchased by collectors, we obviously want to meet the toy standards.  

The tests showed that Gordon's raincoat and hat can contain too much lead to pass EU standards.  Please note that there in NO danger from an individual "Gordon Attic Treasure", to any child sucking or chewing on it.  The lead limits are set very low to ensure that too much lead cannot accumulate in the body system over the years from many sources."

 Attics E-L