Name Type Size Style # Color Introduced Status
Beverly Bear 8" 6210 Tan 1/04/2000 Retired 10/24/2000
Tags available:  7th  

Designer:  Ty Warner


Seventh generation (2A)

Tush Version 1 1993 burgundy
Ribbon White and gold chiffon (stitched)
Clothes None
Buttons No
Nose Brown (vertical stitching)
Eyes Black
Comments:  plush paws.  Tag line reads "You Have Me In A Whirlwind!"  


Seventh generation (2A)

Tush Version 1 1993 burgundy and version 5 Canadian black and white
Ribbon White and gold chiffon (stitched)
Clothes None
Buttons No
Nose Brown (vertical stitching)
Eyes Black
Comments:  plush paws.  Tag line reads "You Have Me In A Whirlwind!"  


Attics A-D


Copyright  1999-2007 Sally E. Grace


All rights reserved.  No portion of this web site, in whole or in part, including but not limited to pricing and related information, may be copied, reproduced, distributed, republished, uploaded, downloaded, posted, or transmitted in any form or by anmeans without prior written permission from the author, Sally E. Grace.